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Who are ACE?

Accessible Corstorphine for Everyone (ACE) is a community group of over 2.2k people who are concerned about the undemocratic scheme and unwanted restrictions being forced into Corstorphine and the surrounding areas.


The Corstorphine LTN consultation published in August 2021, shows that the majority of respondents to the online survey opposed the LTN, with many concerned about traffic being shifted to nearby streets and causing congestion.


Despite the clear rejection of the scheme, Edinburgh Council have ignored the community and implemented an Experimental Traffic Regulations Order for a trial LTN.


Our Councillors have a duty of care to ensure democratic engagement is upheld. They are failing in their duty to accept community engagement response to the consultation. Excuses that the scheme was developed before they were in post is unacceptable and we must hold them accountable.


The community could not have been clearer in rejecting the LTN:

74% of people responding to the council's own survey said they did not want the bus gate on Manse Road - for every 1 person in favour of the bus gate, more than 4 opposed!


While some aspects, such as pavement widening and traffic calming near schools are welcomed, the restrictions in place as part of the trial are already having a detrimental impact on the community.



Image from our "Have Your Say" meeting in St Margaret's Park on 27th June 2023

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